Rudy Lauwereins

Moore’s law is NOT dead!

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If Moore’s prediction that the number of transistors per square millimeter doubles every two years through dimensional scaling is taken literally, we indeed observe a slowdown. However, rephrasing his prediction as doubling the functionality every two years at constant cost, irrespective of how you achieve this, Moore’s law is as healthy as ever! Nevertheless, it will not be “business as usual” since maintaining Moore’s law will require system-technology co-optimization, and as a consequence compute architectures and circuits will undergo radical changes. New compute paradigms like neuromorphic and quantum computing will not become important because Moore’s law is death. On the contrary, these new paradigms will finally become a reality thanks to the newest process technologies that enable the continuation of Moore’s law. These new paradigms will hence not replace traditional computing, but will co-exist with and expand the capabilities of the traditional computing paradigm.

About the panel speaker:

Rudy Lauwereins is vice president at imec. He is director of imec’s Smart Systems Technology Office, guiding the strategic research decisions in vision and telecommunication systems, and in (bio)medical and lifestyle electronics. He also leads the imec Academy, coordinating external and internal training curricula. He is a part-time Full Professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium and has authored and co-authored more than 400 publications in international journals, books and conference proceedings. He is a fellow of the IEEE.