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Nano-Bio Sensing Summer School

Summer School, 29 june - 3 July 2009, EPFL Auditorium Polydôme
This summer school is partly sponsored by the Centre SI and the MMNS Education and Research unit of the CCMX Competence Centre for Materials Science and Technology. All lectures will take place at EPFL in Auditorium Polydôme.
The Summer School will provide 1 credit for the Doctoral Schools of EDMI (http://phd.epfl.ch/edmi/) and EDEE (http://phd.epfl.ch/edee/). A final written examination will be required to get the credits. The format of the final evaluation will be a 4-pages summary of one lecture of the course evaluated by a proper professors committee by the Summer School.
Poster presentation is kindly recommended to participant. The posters will be presented during the school.
The Summer School will provide 1 credit for the Doctoral Schools of EDMI (http://phd.epfl.ch/edmi/) and EDEE (http://phd.epfl.ch/edee/). A final written examination will be required to get the credits. The format of the final evaluation will be a 4-pages summary of one lecture of the course evaluated by a proper professors committee by the Summer School.
Poster presentation is kindly recommended to participant. The posters will be presented during the school.
Registration fee is 150 CHF and it includes one coffee breaks per day during the week of the summer school. On-line registration is required. Please registrer at the following link : Nano-Bio-Sensing Registration.
As the summer school is part of the EDMI Doctoral Program Courses, the registration is free of charge for the first 15 EDMI doctorates.
Date: | Lecturer: | Schedule: |
Monday 29 June |
James K. Gimzewski University of California, Los Angeles Adrian Ionescu EPFL |
14:00-14:45 Introduction to AFM sensors
14:45-15:00 Questions time 15:00-15:45 Nano-sensors for cells and bacteria 15:45-16:15 Coffee break 16:15-17:00 Vibrating nanowires for advanced sensing 17:00-17:15 Questions time |
Tuesday 30 June |
Ming C. Wu University of California, Berkeley Martha Liley CSEM |
14:00-14:45 Introduction to Optofluidics
14:45-15:00 Questions time 15:00-15:45 Optoelectronic Tweezers 15:45-16:15 Coffee break 16:15-17:00 Nanofabrication for optical biosensors 17:00-17:15 Questions time |
Wednesday 1 July |
Marco Mascini Firenze University Sandro Carrara EPFL |
14:00-14:45 Introduction to Biosensors
14:45-15:00 Questions time 15:00-15:45 Novel Analytical Applications of DNA in Biosensors 15:45-16:15 Coffee break 16:15-17:00 Nano-structures Enhanced Bio-sensing 17:00-17:15 Questions time |
Thursday 2 July |
Marco Bianchessi ST Microelectr. Pierre Grangeat LETI |
14:00-14:45 Consumer System for molecular biology
14:45-15:00 Questions time 15:00-15:45 Platform for DNA tests 15:45-16:15 Coffee break 16:15-17:00 Lab-on-chip for cancer diagnosis 17:00-17:15 Questions time |
Friday 3 July |
Roland Thewes TU-Berlin Carlotta Guiducci EPFL |
14:00-14:45 Introduction to Electronic DNA Microarrays
14:45-15:00 Questions time 15:00-15:45 CMOS DNA Microarrays: Circuit and System Aspects 15:45-16:15 Coffee break 16:15-17:00 Integrated electronic chips for innovation in life sciences 17:00-17:15 Questions time |
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- EPFL Workshop on Logic Synthesis & Verification
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- Luca Benini
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- Jovanka Ciric-Vujkovic
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- Giovanni De Micheli
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- Raul Camposano
- Anantha Chandrakasan
- Jo De Boeck
- Gerhard Fettweis
- Steve Furber
- Philippe Magarshack
- Takayasu Sakurai
- Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
- Ken Shepard
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- Panel on The Role of Universities in the Emerging ICT World
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- Panel on Alternative Use of Silicon
- Nano-Bio Technologies for Lab-on-Chip
- Functionality-Enhanced Devices Workshop
- More Moore: Designing Ultra-Complex System-on-Chips
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