May 11, 2011

Multiomic Data Integration

Christine Nardini, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai, China

Abstract: Multiomic data integration represents one of the most recent challenges in computational biology. Accordingly, not much "complete" work can be presented in this area, however, I will introduce this challenge in the frame of an ongoing clinical case study on rheumatoid arthritis. I will introduce the approach based on multivariate statistic we are using to solve it, and some very recent validation we observed of our method

About the speaker: Christine Nardini received her PhD in Electronics and Informatics from the University of Bologna in 2005 and worked as a research assistant at the same university until 2008.  She has also been  a visiting researcher at Stanford University, Sand Diego University and at the Telethon Institute for Genetics and Medicine (Naples, Italy). She is currently a principal investigator at the Max Planck Chinese Academy of Science Joint Institute for Computational Biology in Shanghai, China.