
Giovanni De Micheli


  1. A. Costamagna, A. Tempia Calvino, A. Mishchenko and G. De Micheli, Area-Oriented Resubstitution for Networks of Look-Up Tables IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design (TCAD), Vol. 44, No.1, January 2025, pp. 186-199 (early access)
  2. F. Meng S.-Y. Lee, O.Zografos, et al., Benchmarking of Scaled Majority-Logic-Synthesized Spintronic Circuits Based on Magnetic Tunnel Junction Transducers, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, Vol. 72, No.1, January 2025, pp. 135-142.
  3. A.Tempia Calvino, G. De Micheli, A. Mishchenko and R. Brayton, Enhancing Delay-driven LUT Mapping with Boolean Decomposition, IEEE TCAD Vol 44, No. 3, March 2025, pp. 1017-1030


  1. C.Meng, A. Mischchenko, W. Quian and G. De Micheli, Efficient Resubstitution-Based Approximate Logic Synthesis, IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design (TCAD), (early access)
  2. S.-Y. Lee, A. Tempia-Calvino, R. Riener and G. De Micheli, Technology Legalization and Optimization for Adiabatic Quantum-Flux Parametron, IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design (TCAD), (early access)
  3. R. Bairakulov and G. De Micheli, Superconductive Electronics: a 25-year review, IEEE CAS Magazine, Second Quarter 2024.
  4. D. Marakkellage and G. De Micheli, Fanout-Bounded Logic Synthesis for Emerging Technologies, IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design (TCAD), Vol. 43. No. 5, May 2024, pp. 1415-1428.


  1. M. Yu, D. Marakkellage and G. De Micheli, Logic Synthesis Unleashes Efficient Secure Computation, MPDI Cryptography 2023, 7, 61.
  2. A.Costamagna and G.De Micheli, Accuracy recovery: A Decomposition Procedure for the Synthesis of Partially-specified Boolean Functions, Integration, the VLSI Journal 89, 2003, pp.248-260.
  3. S.-Y. Lee and G. De Micheli, Heuristic Logic Resynthesis Algorithms at the Core of Peephole Optimization, TCAD (early access)
  4. S. Rai, A. Tempia Calvino, H. Riener and G. De Micheli, Utilizing XMG-based Synthesis to Preserve Self-Duality for RFET-Based Circuits, IEEE TCAD, Vol. 452, No. 3, March 2023, pp. 914-927.
  5. G. De Micheli, Strange Loops in Design and Technology: 59th DAC Keynote Speech, in IEEE Design & Test, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 96-103, Oct. 2023
  6. S-Y. Lee, C. L. Ayala and G. De Micheli, Impact of Sequential Design on The Cost of Adiabatic Quantum-Flux Parametron Circuits, in IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 33, No. 8, pp1-9, October 2023


  1. G. De Micheli, J.-H. R. Jiang, R. Rand, K. Smith and M. Soeken, Advances in Quantum Computation and Quantum Technologies: A Design Automation Perspective, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp-584-601, 2022
  2. G. De Micheli, J.-H. R. Jiang, R. Rand, K. Smith and M. Soeken, Editorial: Design and Automation for Quantum Computation and Quantum Technologies, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp-581-583, 2022
  3. G. Meuli, M. Soeken and G. De Micheli, Xor-And-Inverter Graphs For Quantum Compilation, Nature Partner Journal on Quantum Information, 8, 7, January 2022.
  4. S.Y. Lee, A. Mishchenko, H. Riener and G. De Micheli, A Simulation-Guided Paradigm for Logic Synthesis and Verification, IEEE TCAD vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 2573-2586, Aug. 2022.
  5. F. Mozafari, G. De Micheli, and Y. Yang, Efficient deterministic preparation of quantum states using decision diagrams, Physical Review A 106,022617 - Published 29 August 2022 and ArXiv


  1. F. Criscuolo, F. Cantu, I. Taurino, S. Carrara, and G. De Micheli, A wearable electrochemical sensing system for non-invasive monitoring of lithium drug in bipolar disorders, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 21, No. 8, pp. 9649-9656, April 2021.
  2. F. Criscuolo, I. Ny Hanitra, S. Aiassa, I. Taurino, N. Oliva, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli, Wearable multifunctional sweat-sensing system for efficent healthcare monitoring, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 328, February 2021.
  3. D. S. Marakkalage, E. Testa, H. Riener, A. Mishchenko, M. Soeken and G. De Micheli, Three-Input Gates for Logic Synthesis, IEEE Transactions on CAD , Vol. 40, No. 10, October 2021, pp. 2184-2188.
  4. M.I. Ny Hanitra, F.Criscuolo, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli, Multi-ion-sensing emulator and multivariate calibration optimization by machine learning models, IEEE Access, March 2021.
  5. M.I. Ny Hanitra, F.Criscuolo, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli, Real-Time Multi-Ion Monitoring Front- end with Interface Compensation by Multi-Output Support Vector Regressor, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBIOCAS), Vol 15, No. 5, pp.1-12, 2021
  6. F. Mozafari, H. Riener, M. Soeken and G. De Micheli, Efficient Boolean Methods for Preparing Uniform Quantum States IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, Vol. 2, pp. 1-12, 2021
  7. F.Criscuolo, M.I.Ny Hanitra, S.Carrara and G. De Micheli, All-solid-state ion-selective electrodes: a tutorial for correct practice, IEEE Sensors, Vol. 21, No. 20, October 15, 2021
  8. G. De Micheli, The emerging majority: Technology and design for superconducting electronics, IEEE Design and Test, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 79-87, December 2021.


  1. Z. Chu, M. Soeken, Y. Xia, L. Wang, G. De Micheli, Advanced Functional Decomposition Using Majority and Its Applications, Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol 39, Issue 8, 2020.
  2. W. Haaswijk, M. Soeken, A. Mischenko, G. De Micheli, SAT-based Exact Synthesis: Encoding, Topology Families and Parallelism, IEEE Transactions on CAD, Vol.39, No.4, April 2020.
  3. M. I. Ny Hanitra, F. Criscuolo, N. Pankratova, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli, Multi-Channel Front-End for Electrochemical Sensing of Metabolites, Drugs, and Electrolytes, IEEE Sensors Journal. 2020. Vol. 20, num. 7, p. 3636-3645. DOI: 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2959885.
  4. G.De Micheli, A. Domic, M. Di Ventra, M. Roettler and J. Cong, Roundtable Discussion at DAC 2019: Evolutionary Computing or Heuristic Forever?, IEEE Design and Test, Vol. 37, No. 3, pp. 100-114, May-June 2020
  5. E. Testa, L. Amaru, M. Soeken, A. Mischcenko, P. Vuillod, P.E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli, Extending Boolean Methods for Scalable Logic Synthesis, IEEE Access, December 2020
  6. S. Aiassa, Ny Hanitra, G. Sandri, T. Totu, F. Grassi, F. Criscuolo, G. De Micheli, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli, Continuous monitoring of propofol in human serum with fouling compensation by support vector classifier, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 171, 2020.
  7. S. Basu, R. Bryant, G. De Micheli, T. Theis and L. Whitman, NonSilicon, Non-von Neumann Computing - Part 2, Proceedings of IEEE, Vol 108, No.8, August 2020, pp. 11-18.


  1. M. Soeken, G. Meuli, B. Schmitt, F. Mozafari, H. Riener and G. De Micheli, Boolean satisfiability in quantum compilation, Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society A-Mathematical Physical And Engineering Sciences . Vol. 378, num. 2164, p. 20190161, 2019
  2. E. Testa, M. Soeken, L.G. Amaru, G. De Micheli, Logic Synthesis for Established and Emerging Computing, Proceedings of the IEEE. Vol. 107, No. 1, pp 165-184. 2019.
  3. S. Basu, R. Bryant, G. De Micheli, T. Theis and L. Whitman, NonSilicon, Non-von Neumann Computing - Part 1, Proceedings of IEEE, Vol 107, No.1, January 2019, pp. 11-18.
  4. F. Criscuolo, I. Taurino, V. A. Dam, F. Catthoor, M. Zevenbergen, S. Carrara, G. De Micheli, Fast Procedures for the Electrodeposition of Platinum Nanostructures on Miniaturized Electrodes for Improved Ion Sensing, Sensors, vol. 19, no. 10, p. 2260, January 2019.
  5. X. Tang, E. Giacomin, G. D. Micheli, and P. Gaillardon, FPGA-SPICE: A Simulation-Based Architecture Evaluation Framework for FPGAs, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 637–650, March 2019.
  6. I. Tzouvadaki, J. Zapatero-Rodriguez, S. Naus, G. De Micheli, R. O Kennedy, and S. Carrara, Memristive biosensors based on full-size antibodies and antibody fragments, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 286, pp. 346-352,May 2019.
  7. I. Tzouvadaki, A. Tuoheti, S. Lorrain, M. Quadroni, M.-A. Doucey, G. De Micheli, D. Demarchi, and S. Carrara, Multi-panel, on-single-chip Memristive Biosensing, IEEE Sensors Journal, March 2019.
  8. G. Resta, A. Leondhart, Y. Balaji, S. De Gendt, P.-E. Gaillardon G. De Micheli.Devices and Circuits using Novel 2-Dimensional Materials: a Perspective for Future VLSI Systems, IEEE Transaction on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, vol. 27, num. 7, pp 1486-1503, July 2019.
  9. M. Soeken, M. Roetteler, N. Wiebe, G. De Micheli, LUT-Based Hierarchical Reversible Logic Synthesis, IEEE Transactions On Computer-Aided Design Of Integrated Circuits And Systems, vol. 38, num. 9, pp 1675-1688, September 2019.


  1. S. Skalistis, F. Angiolini, A. Simalatsar, G. De Micheli. Safe and Efficient Deployment of Data-Parallelisable Applications on Many-Core Platforms: Theory and Practice, IEEE Design and Test, 2018.
  2. A. Biscontini, M. Thammasack, G. De Micheli and P.-E. Gaillardon. An FPGA-Based Test System for RRAM Technology Characterization'', in , IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology vol. 17, num. 1, pp. 177-183, 2018.
  3. N. Aliakbarinodehi, P. Jolly, N. Bhalla, A. Miodek, G. De Micheli, P. Estrela, S. Carrara, Aptamer-based Field-Effect Biosensor for Tenofovir Detection', Scientific Reports, vol. 7, num. 44409, 2018
  4. N. Aliakbarinodehi, F. Stradolini, S.A. Nakhjavani, I. Tzouvadaki, I. Taurino, G. De Micheli, S. Carrara, Performance of Carbon Nano-Scale Allotropes in Detecting Midazolam and Paracetamol in Undiluted Human Serum', IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 18, num. 12, pp. 5073-5081. 2018.
  5. F. Criscuolo, I. Taurino, F. Stradolini, S. Carrara, G. De Micheli, Highly-stable Li + ion-selective electrodes based on noble metal nanostructured layers as solid-contacts', Analytica Chimica Acta vol. 1027, pp. 22-32. 2018.
  6. A. Ibrahim, S. Zhang, F. Angiolini, M. Arditi, S. Kimura, S. Goto, J.P. Thiran, G. De Micheli, Towards Ultrasound Everywhere: A Portable 3D Digital Back-End Capable of Zone and Compound Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems vol. 12, num. 5, pp. 968-981. 2018.
  7. T.-H. Lin, T. Margossian, L. Q, Zheng, S. Kumar, I. Morozau, O, Sereda, D. Zemlyanov, C.-J. Shih, R. Zenobi, D. Baudouin, G. De Micheli, P.-E. Gaillardon, C. Coperet, Conformal Deposition of Conductive Single-Crystalline Cobalt Silicide Layer on Si Wafer via a Molecular Approach, Chemistry of Materials, vol. 30, num. 6, pp 2158-2173. 2018.
  8. G.V. Resta, Y. Balaji, D. Lin, I.P. Radu, F. Catthoor, P.-E. Gaillardon, G. De Micheli, Doping-Free Complementary Logic Gates Enabled by Two-Dimensional Polarity-Controllable Transistors', ACS Nano vol. 12, num. 7, p. 7039-7047. 2018.
  9. S. Shirinzadeh, M. Soeken, P.-E. Gaillardon, R. Drechsler, Logic Synthesis for RRAM-Based In-Memory Computing, IEEE Transactions on Computer-aided design of integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 37, num. 7, pp.1422-1435. 2018.
  10. M. Soeken, E. Testa, A. Mishchenko, G. De Micheli, Pairs of majority-decomposing functions, Information Processing Letters, vol. 139, pp. 35-38. 2018.
  11. F. Stradolini, T. Kilic, A. Di Consiglio, A., M. Ozsoz, G. De Micheli, S. Carrara, Long-term Monitoring of Propofol and Fouling Effect on Pencil Graphite Electrodes, Electroanalysis, vol. 30, num. 7, pp. 1363-1369. 2018.
  12. F. Stradolini, T. Kilic, I. Taurino, G. De Micheli, G. Boero, Cleaning strategy for carbon-based electrodes: Long-term propofol monitoring in human serum, Sensors and Actuators B, vol. 269, pp. 304-313. 2018.
  13. F. Stradolini, A. Tuoheti, T. Kilic, S. L. Ntella, N. Tamburrano, Z. Huang, G. De Micheli, D. Demarchi, S. Carrara, An IoT Solution for Online Monitoring of Anesthetics in Human Serum Based on an Integrated Fluidic Bioelectronic System, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 12, num. 5, pp. 01-09. 2018.
  14. X. Tang, E. Giacomin, G. De Micheli, P.-E. Gaillardon, FPGA-SPICE: A Simulation-Based Architecture Evaluation Framework for FPGAs, IEEE Transactions on Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, pp. 1-14. 2018.
  15. X. Tang, E. Giacomin, G. De Micheli, P.-E. Gaillardon, Post-PR Performance and Power Analysis for RRAM-based FPGAs, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 8, num. 3, pp. 639-650. 2018.
  16. E. Testa, M. Soeken, L. Amaru, W. Haaswijk, G. De Micheli, Mapping Monotone Boolean Functions into Majority, IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2018.
  17. I. Tzouvadaki, N. Aliakbarinodehi, D. Dávila Pineda, G. De Micheli, S. Carrara, Graphene nanowalls for high-performance chemotherapeutic drug sensing and anti-fouling properties, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. 262, p. 395-403. 2018.


  1. P. Mayor, M. Rajman and G. De Micheli. Information Technology for Health, Environment, and Energy in IEEE Design and Test, vol. 34, num. 6, p. 109-118, 2017.
  2. M. Thammasack, G. De Micheli and P.-E. Gaillardon. Effect of O2 migration in Pt/HfO2/Ti/Pt structure, in Journal of Electroceramics, vol. 39, num. 1-4, p. 137-142, 2017.
  3. G. Sanz˜, I. Taurino, F. Puppo, R. Antiochia and L. Gorton et al. A bimetallic nanocoral Au decorated with Pt nanoflowers (bio)sensor for H2O2 detection at low potential, in Methods, vol. 129, num. October, p. 89-95, 2017.
  4. I. Tzouvadaki, N. Aliakbarinodehi, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara. The memristive effect as a novelty in drug monitoring, in Nanoscale, vol. 9, num. 27, p. 9676-9684, 2017.
  5. A. Ibrahim, P. A. Hager, A. Bartolini, F. Angiolini and M. Arditi et al. Efficient Sample Delay Calculation for 2-D and 3-D Ultrasound Imaging, in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 11, num. 4, p. 815-831, 2017.
  6. S. Ghoreishizadeh, I. Taurino, G. De Micheli, S. Carrara and P. Georgiou. A Differential Electrochemical Readout ASIC with Heterogeneous Integration of Bio-nano Sensors for Amperometric Sensing, in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 11, num. 5, p. 1148-1159, 2017.
  7. G. De Micheli. Cyber-Medical Systems: Requirements, Components and Design Examples, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 64, num. 9, p. 2226-2236, 2017.
  8. G. De Micheli and L. Benini. Networks on Chips: 15 Years Later, in Computer, vol. 50, num. 5, p. 10-11, 2017.
  9. M. Soeken, P.-E. Gaillardon, S. Shirinzadeh, R. Drechsler and G. De Micheli. A PLiM Computer for the Internet of Things, in Computer, vol. 50, num. 6, p. 35-40, 2017.
  10. G. Resta, T. Agarwal, D. Lin, I. P. Radu and F. Catthoor et al. Scaling trends and performance evaluation of 2-dimensional polarity-controllable FETs, in Scientific Reports, vol. 7, num. 45556, 2017.
  11. N. Aliakbari, P. Jolly, N. Bhalla, A. Miodek and G. De Micheli et al. Aptamer-based Field-Effect Biosensor for Tenofovir Detection, in Scientific Reports, vol. 7, num. 44409, 2017.
  12. D.-Y. Jeon, J. Zhang, J. Trommer, S. J. Park and P.-E. Gaillardon et al. Operation regimes and electrical transport of steep slope Schottky Si-FinFETS, in Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 121, num. 6, 2017.
  13. T.-H. Lin, T. Margossian, M. De Marchi, M. Thammasack and D. Zemlyanov et al. Low Temperature Wet Conformal Nickel Silicide Deposition for Transistor Technology through an Organometallic Approach, in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, vol. 9, num. 5, p. 4948-4955, 2017.
  14. M. Soeken, L. Amaru, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli. Exact Synthesis of Majority-Inverter Graphs and Its Applications, in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 36, num. 11, p. 1842-1855, 2017.
  15. X. Tang, E. Giacomin, G. De Micheli and P.-E. Gaillardon. Circuit Designs of High-Performance and Low-Power RRAM-Based Multiplexers Based on 4T(ransistor)1R(RAM) Programming Structure, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 64, num. 5, p. 1173-1186, 2017.
  16. X. Tang, G. De Micheli and P.-E. Gaillardon. A High-performance FPGA Architecture Using One-Level RRAM-based Multiplexers, in IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, vol. 5, num. 2, p. 210-222, 2017.
  17. J. Tranchant, J. Sandrini, E. Janod, D. Sacchetto and B. Corraze et al. Control of Resistive Switching in Mott Memories Based on TiN/AM4Q8/TiN MIM Devices, in ECS Transactions, vol. 75, num. 32, p. 3-12, 2017.
  18. H. Ghasemzadeh-Mohammadi, P.-E. Gaillardon, J. Zhang, G. De Micheli and E. Sanchez et al. A Fault Tolerant Ripple-Carry Adder with Controllable-Polarity Transistors, in ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, vol. 13, num. 2, 2017.


  1. C. Baj-Rossi, A. Cavallini, E. G. Kilin, F. Stradolini and T. Rezzonica Jost et al. In-Vivo Validation of Fully Implantable Multi-Panel Devices for Remote Monitoring of Metabolism, in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 10, num. 5, p. 955-962, 2016.
  2. A. Vallero, I. Tzouvadaki, F. Puppo, M.-A. Doucey and J.-F. Delaloye et al. Memristive Biosensors Integration With Microfluidic Platform, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 63, num. 12, p. 2120-2127, 2016.
  3. I. Tzouvadaki, N. Madaboosi, I. Taurino, V. Chu and J. P. Conde et al. Study on the bio-functionalization of memristive nanowires for optimum memristive biosensors, in Journal of Materials Chemistry B, num. 4, p. 2153-2162, 2016.
  4. A. Antidormi, S. Frache, M. Graziano, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. Piccinini et al. Computationally Efficient Multiple-Independent-Gate Device Model, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 15, num. 1, p. 2-14, 2016.
  5. F. Puppo, F. L. Traversa, M. Di Ventra, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara. Surface trap mediated electronic transport in biofunctionalized silicon nanowires, in Nanotechnology, vol. 27, num. 34, p. 345503, 2016.
  6. G. Sanzo, I. Taurino, R. Antiochia, L. Gorton and G. Favero et al. Bubble electrodeposition of gold porous nanocorals for the enzymatic and non-enzymatic detection of glucose, in Bioelectrochemistry, vol. 112, num. December, p. 125-131, 2016.
  7. G. Massicotte, S. Carrara, G. De Micheli and M. Sawan. A CMOS Amperometric System for Multi-Neurotransmitter Detection, in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 10, num. 3, p. 731-741, 2016.
  8. I. Tzouvadaki, P. Jolly, X. Lu, S. Ingebrandt and G. De Micheli et al. Label-Free Ultrasensitive Memristive Aptasensor, in ACS Nano Letters, vol. 16, num. 7, p. 4472-4476, 2016.
  9. N. Aliakbari, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara. Enzymatic and Nonenzymatic Electrochemical Interaction of Abiraterone (Antiprostate Cancer Drug) with Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Bioelectrodes, in Analytical Chemistry, vol. 88, num. 19, p. 9347-9350, 2016.
  10. G. V. Resta, S. Sutar, Y. Balaji, D. Lin and P. Raghavan et al. Polarity control in WSe2 double-gate transistors, in Scientific Reports, vol. 6, num. 29448, 2016.
  11. F. Stradolini, S. Riario, C. Boero, C. Baj-Rossi and I. Taurino et al. Wireless Monitoring of Endogenous and Exogenous Biomolecules on an Android Interface, in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, num. 9, p. 3163-3170, 2016.
  12. I. Taurino, G. Sanzo, R. Antiochia, C. Tortolini and F. Mazzei et al. Recent advances in Third Generation Biosensors based on Au and Pt Nanostructured Electrodes, in TrAC Trends In Analytical Chemistry, vol. 79, num. May 2016, p. 151-159, 2016.
  13. I. Taurino, S. Massa, G. Sanzo, J. Aleman and B. Flavia et al. Platinum nanopetal-based potassium sensors for acute cell death monitoring, in RSC Advances, vol. 6, num. 46, p. 40517-40526, 2016.
  14. H. Ghasemzadeh Mohammadi, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli. Efficient Statistical Parameter Selection for Nonlinear Modeling of Process/Performance Variation, in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 35, num. 12, p. 1995 - 2007, 2016.
  15. C. Baj-Rossi, S. Ghoreishizadeh, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli. An Innovative System of Membranes for the Monitoring of Endogenous and Exogenous Metabolites, in BioNanoScience, vol. 6, num. 2, p. 85-92, 2016.
  16. G. Beanato, A. Cevrero, G. De Micheli and Y. Leblebici. Impact of Data Serialization over TSVs on Routing Congestion in 3D-Stacked Multi-Core Processors, in Microelectronics Journal, vol. 51, num. May, p. 38-45, 2016.
  17. X. Tang, G. Kim, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli. A Study on the Programming Structures for RRAM-based FPGA Architectures, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I, vol. 63, num. 4, p. 503-516, 2016.
  18. L. Amarù, P.-E. Gaillardon, A. Chattopadhyay and G. De Micheli. A Sound and Complete Axiomatization of Majority-n Logic, in IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 65, num. 9, p. 2889 - 2895, 2016.
  19. A. Antidormi, S. Frache, M. Graziano, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. Piccinini et al. Computationally Efficient Multiple-Independent-Gate Device Model, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 15, num. 1, p. 2-14, 2016.
  20. J. Sandrini, M. Barlas, M. Thammasack, T. Demirci and M. De Marchi et al. Co-design of ReRAM Passive Crossbar Arrays Integrated in 180nm CMOS Technology, in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 6, num. 3, p. 339-351, 2016.
  21. L. Amaru, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli. Majority-Inverter Graph: A New Paradigm for Logic Optimization, in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 35, num. 5, p. 806-819, 2016.
  22. F. Puppo, M.-A. Doucey, J.-F. Delaloye, T. S. Y. Moh and G. Pandraud et al. SiNW-FET in-Air Biosensors for High Sensitive and Specific Detection in Breast Tumor Extract, in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 16, num. 10, p. 3374-3381, 2016.
  23. Y. Bi, K. Shamsi, J.-S. Yuan, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli et al. Emerging Technology Based Design of Primitives for Hardware Security, in ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, vol. 13, num. 1, p. 3:1-3:19, 2016.


  1. I. Taurino, G. Sanzo, F. Mazzei, G. Favero and G. De Micheli et al. Fast synthesis of platinum nanopetals and nanospheres for highly-sensitive non-enzymatic detection of glucose and selective sensing of ions, in Scientific Reports, 2015.
  2. S. Bobba and G. De Micheli. Layout Technique for Double-Gate Silicon Nanowire FETs With an Efficient Sea-of-Tiles Architecture, in IEEE Transactions on very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 23, num. 10, p. 2103-2115, 2015.
  3. H. Ghasemzadeh, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli. From Defect Analysis to Gate-Level Fault Modeling of Controllable-Polarity Silicon Nanowires, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 14, num. 6, p. 1117-1126, 2015.
  4. J. Zhang, J. Trommer, W. M. Weber, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli. On Temperature Dependency of Steep Subthreshold Slope in Dual-Independent-Gate FinFET, in IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, vol. 3, num. 6, p. 452-456, 2015.
  5. C. Baj-Rossi, C. Müller, U. von Mandach, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara. Faradic Peaks Enhanced by Carbon Nanotubes in Microsomal Cytochrome P450 Electrodes, in Electroanalysis, vol. 27, num. 6, p. 1507-1515, 2015.
  6. I. Tzouvadaki, C. Parrozzani, A. Galotta, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara. Memristive Biosensors for PSA-IgM Detection, in BioNanoScience, vol. 5, num. 4, p. 189-195, 2015.
  7. E. G. Kilinç, C. Baj-Rossi, S. Ghoreishizadeh, S. Riario and F. Stradolini et al. A System for Wireless Power Transfer and Data Communication of Long-Term Bio-Monitoring, in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15, num. 11, p. 6559-6569, 2015.
  8. I. Tzouvadaki, F. Puppo, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara. Computational Study on the Electrical Behavior of Silicon Nanowire Memristive Biosensors, in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15, num. 11, p. 6208-6217, 2015.
  9. L. Amarù, P.-E. Gaillardon, S. Mitra and G. De Micheli. New Logic Synthesis As Nanotechnology Enabler (invited paper), in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 103, num. 11, p. 2168-2195, 2015.
  10. P.-E. Gaillardon, E. Beigné, S. Lesecq and G. De Micheli. A Survey on Low-Power Techniques with Emerging Technologies: From Devices to Systems, in ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC), vol. 12, num. 2, p. 12:1 - 12:26, 2015.
  11. J. Sandrini, M. V. Thammasack, T. Demirci, P.-E. J. M. Gaillardon and D. Sacchetto et al. Heterogeneous Integration of ReRAM Crossbars in 180nm CMOS BEoL Process, in Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 145, num. 9, p. 62-65, 2015.
  12. N. Aliakbari, I. Taurino, J. Pravin, A. Tagliaferro and G. Piccinini et al. Electrochemical nanostructured biosensors: carbon nanotubes versus conductive and semi-conductive nanoparticles, in Chemical Papers, vol. 69, num. 1, p. 134-142, 2015.
  13. A. Cavallini, T. Rezzonico Jost, S. S. Ghoreishizadeh, J. Olivo and M. Op de Beeck et al. A Subcutaneous Biochip for Remote Monitoring of Human Metabolism: Packaging and Biocompatibility Assessment, in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 15, num. 1, p. 417-424, 2015.
  14. K. Kang, L. Benini and G. De Micheli. Cost-Effective Design of Mesh-of-Tree Interconnect for Multi-Core Clusters with 3-D Stacked L2 Scratchpad Memory, in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, vol. 23, num. 9, p. 1828-1841, 2015.
  15. P.-E. Gaillardon, X. Tang, G. Kim and G. De Micheli. A Novel FPGA Architecture based on Ultra-Fine Grain Reconfigurable Logic Cells, in IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, vol. 23, num. 10, p. 2187-2197, 2015.


  1. P.-E. Gaillardon, G. De Micheli, I. O'Connor, S. Mitra and T. Ernst. Introduction to the Special Section on Functionality-Enhanced Devices, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 13, num. 6, p. 1019-1019, 2014.
  2. M. De Marchi, D. Sacchetto, J. Zhang, S. Frache and P.-E. Gaillardon et al. Top-Down Fabrication of Gate-All-Around Vertically-Stacked Silicon Nanowire FETs with Controllable Polarity, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 13, num. 6, p. 1029 - 1038, 2014.
  3. I. Kazi, P. Meinerzhagen, P.-E. Gaillardon, D. Sacchetto and Y. Leblebici et al. Energy/Reliability Trade-Offs in Low-Voltage ReRAM-Based Non-Volatile Flip-Flop Design, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1 Regular Papers, vol. 61, num. 11, p. 3155 - 3164, 2014.
  4. J. Zhang, M. De Marchi, D. Sacchetto, P.-E. Gaillardon and Y. Leblebici et al. Polarity-Controllable Silicon Nanowire Transistors with Dual Threshold Voltages, in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 61, num. 11, p. 3654 - 3660, 2014.
  5. S. S. Ghoreishizadeh, C. Baj-Rossi, A. Cavallini, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli. An Integrated Control and Readout Circuit for Implantable Multi-Target Electrochemical Biosensing, in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 8, num. 6, p. 891 - 898, 2014.
  6. C. Baj-Rossi, E. G. Kilinç, S. S. Ghoreishizadeh, D. Casarino and T. Rezzonico Jost et al. Full Fabrication and Packaging of an Implantable Multi-panel Device for Monitoring of Metabolites in Small Animals, in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 8, num. 5, p. 636-647, 2014.
  7. I. Taurino, V. Van Hoof, A. Magrez, L. Forró and G. De Micheli et al. Efficient voltammetric discrimination of free bilirubin from uric acid and ascorbic acid by a CVD nanographite-based microelectrode, in Elsevier, Talanta, The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry, vol. 130, num. December, p. 423-426, 2014.
  8. L. Amarù, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli. Biconditional Binary Decision Diagrams: A Novel Canonical Representation Form, in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 4, num. 4, p. 487-500, 2014.
  9. C. Boero, M. A. Casulli, J. Olivo, L. Foglia and E. Orso et al. Design, development, and validation of an in-situ biosensor array for metabolite monitoring of cell cultures, in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 61, p. 251-259, 2014.
  10. I. Taurino, A. Magrez, F. Matteini, A. Cavallini and L. Forró et al. High-Performance Multipanel Biosensors Based on a Selective Integration of Nanographite Petals, in ACS Nano Letters, vol. 14, num. 6, p. 3180-3184, 2014.
  11. L. Amarù, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli. A Circuit Synthesis Flow for Controllable-Polarity Transistors, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 13, num. 6, p. 1074-1083, 2014.
  12. M. De Marchi, J. Zhang, S. Frache, D. Sacchetto and P.-E. Gaillardon et al. Configurable Logic Gates Using Polarity Controlled Silicon Nanowire Gate-All-Around FETs, in IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 35, num. 8, p. 880-882, 2014.
  13. J. Zhang, X. Tang, P.-E. Gaillardon and G. De Micheli. Configurable Circuits Featuring Dual-Threshold-Voltage Design With Three-Independent-Gate Silicon Nanowire FETs, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part 1 Regular Papers, vol. 61, num. 10, p. 2851-2861, 2014.
  14. P. D. Düben, J. Joven, A. Lingamneni, H. McNamara and G. De Micheli et al. On the use of inexact, pruned hardware in atmospheric modelling, in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, vol. 372, num. 2018, 2014.
  15. A. Simalatsar, W. You, V. Gotta, N. Widmer and G. De Micheli. Representation of Medical Guidelines with a Computer Interpretable Model, in International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools (IJAIT), vol. 23, num. 3, 2014.
  16. F. Puppo, S. Carrara, M. Di Ventra and G. De Micheli. Memristive sensors for pH measure in dry conditions, in Surface Science Journal, vol. 624, num. June, p. 76-79, 2014.
  17. J. Olivo, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli. Micro-fabrication of high-thickness spiral inductors for the remote powering of implantable biosensors, in Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 113, p. 130-135, 2014.
  18. S. Carrara, C. Baj-Rossi, C. Boero and G. De Micheli. Do Carbon Nanotubes Contribute to Electrochemical Biosensing?, in Electrochimica Acta, vol. 128, p. 102-112, 2014.
  19. F. Puppo, A. Dave, M.-A. Doucey, D. Sacchetto and C. Baj-Rossi et al. Memristive Biosensors Under Varying Humidity Conditions, in IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, vol. 13, num. 1, p. 19-30, 2014.
  20. S. Bobba, J. Zhang, P.-E. Gaillardon, H.-S. P. Wong and S. Mitra et al. System Level Benchmarking with Yield-Enhanced Standard Cell Library for Carbon Nanotube VLSI Circuits, in ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, vol. 10, num. 4, 2014.
  21. C. Baj-Rossi, T. Rezzonico Jost, A. Cavallini, F. Grassi and G. De Micheli et al. Continuous monitoring of Naproxen by a cytochrome P450-based electrochemical sensor, in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 53, p. 283-287, 2014.
  22. P.-E. Gaillardon, L. G. Amarù, S. K. Bobba, M. De Marchi and D. Sacchetto et al. Nanowire systems: technology and design (invited paper), in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A, vol. 372, num. 2012, 2014.


  1. S. Rahimian, V. F. Pavlidis, X. Tang and G. De Micheli. An Enhanced Design Methodology for Resonant Clock Trees, in Journal of Low Power Electronics, vol. 9, num. 2, p. 198-206, 2013.
  2. J. Joven, A. Marongiu, F. Angiolini, L. Benini and G. De Micheli. An integrated, programming model-driven framework for NoC-QoS support in cluster-based embedded many-cores, in Parallel Computing, vol. 39, num. 10, p. 549-566, 2013.
  3. C. Baj-Rossi, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara. A Linear Approach to Multi-Panel Sensing in Personalized Therapy for Cancer Treatment, in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 13, num. 12, p. 4860-4865, 2013.
  4. I. Taurino, A. Magrez, F. Matteini, L. Forró and G. De Micheli et al. Direct growth of nanotubes and graphene nanoflowers on electrochemical platinum electrodes, in Nanoscale, vol. 5, num. 24, p. 12448-12455, 2013.
  5. I. Taurino, V. Van Hoof, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara. Superior sensing performance of multi-walled carbon nanotube-based electrodes to detect unconjugated bilirubin, in Thin Solid Films, vol. 548, p. 546-550, 2013.
  6. W. You, A. Simalatsar, N. Widmer and G. De Micheli. Personalized Drug Administrations Using Support Vector Machine, in BioNanoScience, 2013.
  7. J. Olivo, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli. A Study of Multi-Layer Spiral Inductors for Remote Powering of Implantable Sensors, in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 7, num. 4, p. 536-547, 2013.
  8. J. Joven, A. Bagdia, F. Angiolini, P. Strid and D. Castells-Rufas et al. QoS-Driven Reconfigurable Parallel Computing for NoC-Based Clustered MPSoCs, in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 9, num. 3, p. 1613-1624, 2013.
  9. I. Taurino, R. Reiss, M. Richter, M. Fairhead and L. Thoeny-Meyer et al. Comparative study of three lactate oxidases from Aerococcus viridans for biosensing applications, in Electrochimica Acta, vol. 93, p. 72-79, 2013.
  10. J. M. Ghaye, M. Avinash Kamat, L. Corbino-Giunta, P. Silacci and G. Vergères et al. Image thresholding techniques for localization of sub-resolution fluorescent biomarkers, in Cytometry -New York-, vol. 83, num. 11, p. 1001-1016, 2013.
  11. L. Amarù, P.-E. Gaillardon, J. Zhang and G. De Micheli. Power-Gated Differential Logic Style Based on Double-Gate Controllable-Polarity Transistors, in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 60, num. 10, p. 672-676, 2013.
  12. G. Koklu, J. Ghaye, R. Etienne-Cummings, Y. Leblebici and G. De Micheli et al. Empowering Low-Cost CMOS Cameras by Image Processing to Reach Comparable Results with Costly CCDs, in BioNanoScience, 2013.
  13. G. De Micheli, C. Boero and S. Carrara. Implantable devices: the future of blood monitoring? (Editorial), in FSG Future Medicine Clinical Practice, vol. 10, num. 4, p. 385-388, 2013.
  14. C. Seiculescu, D. Rahmati, S. Murali, L. Benini and G. De Micheli et al. Designing Best Effort Networks-on-Chip to Meet Hard Latency Constraints, in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, vol. 12, num. 4, 2013.
  15. D. Sacchetto, P.-E. J. M. Gaillardon, M. Zervas, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli et al. Applications of Multi-Terminal Memristive Devices: A Review, in IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine, vol. 13, num. 2, p. 23-41, 2013.
  16. F. Mastrantonio, F. Valgimigli, L. Grassi, P. Cappa and G. De Micheli et al. Comparative Performance of Different Nanostructured Electrochemical Sensors on Insulin Detection, BioNanoScience, vol. 3, num. 3, p. 285-288, 2013.
  17. S. Carrara, L. Bolomey, C. Boero, A. Cavallini and E. Meurville et al. Remote System for Monitoring Animal Models With Single-Metabolite Bio-Nano-Sensors, in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 13, num. 3, p. 1018 - 1024, 2013.
  18. H. Xu, V. Pavlidis, X. Tang, W. Burleson and G. De Micheli. Timing Uncertainty in 3-D Clock Trees due to Process Variations and Power Supply Noise, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems, 2013.
  19. P.-E. Gaillardon, D. Sacchetto, G. Betti Beneventi, H. Ben Jamaa and L. Perniola et al. Design and Architectural Assessment of 3-D Resistive Memory Technologies in FPGAs, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 12, num. 1, p. 40-50, 2013.
  20. S. Bobba, A. Chakraborty, O. Thomas, P. Batude and G. De Micheli. Cell Transformations and Physical Design Techniques for 3D Monolithic Integrated Circuits, in ACM Journal on Emerging Technology in Computing Systems, 2013.
  21. F. Zanini, D. Atienza Alonso and G. De Micheli. A Combined Sensor Placement and Convex Optimization Approach for Thermal Management in 3D-MPSoC with Liquid Cooling, in Integration, the VLSI Journal, vol. 46, num. 1, p. 33-43, 2013.
  22. D. Rahmati, S. Murali, L. Benini, F. Angiolini and G. De Micheli et al. Computing Accurate Performance Bounds for Best Effort Networks-on-Chip, in IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 62, num. 3, p. 452-467, 2013.


  1. E. Kyriakides, S. Carrara, G. De Micheli and J. Georgiou. Low-cost, CMOS compatible, Ta2O5-based hemi-memristor for neuromorphic circuits, in Electronics Letters, vol. 48, num. 23, p. 1451-1452, 2012.
  2. C. Boero, J. Olivo, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara. New Approaches for Carbon Nanotubes-Based Biosensors and Their Application to Cell Culture Monitoring, in IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 6, num. 5, p. 479-485, 2012.
  3. A. Dimonte, S. Frache, V. Erokhin, G. Piccinini and D. Demarchi et al., Nanosized Optoelectronic Devices Based on Photoactivated Proteins, in ACS BioMacromolecules, vol. 13, num. 11, p. 3503-3509, 2012.
  4. G. De Micheli, S. Mitra and M. Ogorzalek, Editorial, in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 2, num. 4, p. 653-657, 2012.
  5. I. Taurino, S. Carrara, M. Giorcelli, A. Tagliaferro and G. De Micheli, Carbon Nanotubes with Different Orientations for Electrochemical Biodevices, in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 12, num. 12, p. 3356-3362, 2012.
  6. C. Boero, J. Olivo, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli, A Self-Contained System with CNTs-Based Biosensors for Cell Culture Monitoring, in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, vol. 2, num. 4, p. 658-671, 2012.
  7. I. Taurino, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara, Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for Amperometric Array-Based Biosensors, in BioNanoScience, vol. 2, num. 4, p. 185-195, 2012.
  8. F. Zanini, D. Atienza Alonso, C. Jones, L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Online Thermal Control Methods for Multi-Processor Systems, in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, vol. 18, num. 1, p. 6:1 - 6:26, 2012.
  9. D. Sacchetto, S. Xie, V. Savu, M. Zervas and G. De Micheli et al., Vertically-stacked gate-all-around polysilicon nanowire FETs with sub-μm gates patterned by nanostencil lithography, in Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 98, p. 355-358, 2012.
  10. S. Carrara, S. S. Ghoreishizadeh, J. Olivo, I. Taurino and C. Baj-Rossi et al., Fully Integrated Biochip Platforms for Advanced Healthcare, in Sensors, vol. 12, no. 8, p. 11013-11060, 2012.
  11. C. Baj-Rossi, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara, Electrochemical Detection of Anti-Breast-Cancer Agents in Human Serum by Cytochrome P450-Coated Carbon Nanotubes, in Sensors, vol. 12, no. 5, p. 6520-6537, 2012.
  12. S. Carrara, D. Sacchetto, M.-A. Doucey, C. Baj-Rossi and G. De Micheli et al., Memristive-Biosensors: A New Detection Method by Using Nanofabricated Memristors, in Sensors and Actuators B, vol. 171-172, p. 449-457, 2012.
  13. D. Sacchetto, G. De Micheli and Y. Leblebici, Multiterminal Memristive Nanowire Devices for Logic and Memory Applications: A Review, in Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 100, no. 6, p. 2008-2020, 2012.
  14. S. Rahimian Omam, V. Pavlidis and G. De Micheli, Inter-Plane Communication Methods for 3-D ICs, in Journal of Low Power Electronics, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 170-181, 2012.
  15. J. M. Ghaye, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara, Simulated biological cells for receptor counting in fluorescence imaging, in BioNanoScience, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 94-103, 2012.
  16. A. S. Kumar, M. P. Kumar, S. Murali, V. Kamakoti and L. Benini et al., A Buffer-Sizing Algorithm for Network-on-Chips with Multiple Voltage-Frequency Islands, in Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 2012, 2012.
  17. H. Xu, V. Pavlidis and G. De Micheli, Effects of Process Variations on 3-D Global Clock Distribution Networks, in ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, vol. 8, no. 3, 2012.
  18. D. Sacchetto, G. De Micheli and Y. Leblebici, Ambipolar Gate-Controllable SiNW FETs for Configurable Logic Circuits With Improved Expressive Capability, in IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 33, no. 2, p. 143-145, 2012.
  19. I. Taurino, S. Carrara, M. Giorcelli, A. Tagliaferro and G. De Micheli, Comparison of Two Different Carbon Nanotube-based Surfaces with Respect to Potassium Ferricyanide Electrochemistry, in Surface Science, vol. 606, no. 3-4, p. 156-160, 2012.
  20. D. Sacchetto, M. Zervas, Y. Temiz, G. De Micheli and Y. Leblebici, Resistive Programmable Through Silicon Vias for Reconfigurable 3D Fabrics, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 11, no. 1, p. 8-11, 2012.


  1. C. Boero, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli, Long-term Biosensors for Metabolite Monitoring by using Carbon Nanotubes, in Sensors & Transducers Journal, vol. 125, num. 2, p. 229-237, 2011.
  2. M. Zervas, D. Sacchetto, G. De Micheli and Y. Leblebici, Top-down fabrication of very-high density vertically stacked silicon nanowire arrays with low temperature budget, in Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 88, no. 10, p. 3127-3132, 2011.
  3. A. Cavallini, G. De Micheli and S. Carrara, Comparison of Three Methods of Biocompatible Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Confinement for the Development of Implantable Amperometric Adenosine-5'-Triphosphate Biosensors, in Sensor Letters, vol. 9, no. 5, p. 1838-1844, 2011.
  4. C. Boero, S. Carrara, G. Del Vecchio, L. Calza and G. De Micheli, Highly Sensitive Carbon Nanotube-Based Sensing for Lactate and Glucose Monitoring in Cell Culture, in IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, vol. 10, p. 59-67, 2011.
  5. C. Boero, S. Carrara, G. Del Vecchio, L. Calza and G. De Micheli, Targeting of multiple metabolites in neural cells monitored by using protein-based carbon nanotubes, in Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical, vol. 157, p. 216-224, 2011.
  6. D. Sacchetto, A. V. Savu, G. De Micheli, J. Brugger and Y. Leblebici, Ambipolar silicon nanowire FETs with stenciled-deposited metal gate, in Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 88, no. 8, p. 2732-2735, 2011.
  7. I. Taurino, S. Carrara, M. Giorcelli, A. Tagliaferro and G. De Micheli, Comparing Sensitivities of Differently Oriented Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes Integrated on Silicon Wafer for Electrochemical Biosensors, in Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, vol. B 160, p. 327-333, 2011.
  8. L. Zhu, G. Del Vecchio, G. De Micheli, Y. Liu, S. Carrara, L. Calzà and C. Nardini, Biochips for Regenerative Medicine: Real-time Stem Cell Continuous Monitoring as Inferred by High-Throughput Gene Analysis, in BioNanoScience, vol. 1, no. 4, p. 183-191, 2011.
  9. H. Ben Jamaa, G. Cerofolini, G. De Micheli and Y. Leblebici, Polysilicon Nanowire Transistors and Arrays Fabricated with the Multispacer Technique, in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, vol. 10, no. 4, p. 891-899, 2011.
  10. J. Olivo, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli, Biofuel Cells and Inductive Powering as Energy Harvesting Techniques for Implantable Sensors, in Science of Advanced Materials, vol. 3, no. 3, p. 420-425, 2011.
  11. H. Ben Jamaa, P.-E. Gaillardon, F. Clermidy, I. O'Connor, D. Sacchetto, G. De Micheli and Y. Leblebici, Silicon Nanowire Arrays and Crossbars: Top-Down Fabrication Techniques and Circuit Applications, in Science of Advanced Materials, vol. 3, p. 466–476, 2011.
  12. D. Sacchetto, M.-A. Doucey, G. De Micheli, Y. Leblebici and S. Carrara, New Insight on Bio-sensing by Nano-fabricated Memristors, in BioNanoScience, 2011.
  13. F. Zanini, M. M. S. Aly, D. Atienza and G. De Micheli, Hierarchical Thermal Management Policy for High-Performance 3D Systems with Liquid Cooling, in IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), vol.1 no. 2, p. 88-101, 2011.
  14. S. Carrara, A. Cavallini, V. Erokhin and G. De Micheli, Multi-panel drugs detection in human serum for personalized therapy, in Biosensors and Bioelectronics, vol. 26, no. 9, p. 3914-3919, 2011.
  15. H. Ben Jamaa, P.-E. Gaillardon, S. Frégonèse, M. De Marchi, G. De Micheli, T. Zimmer, I. O'Connor and F. Clermidy, FPGA Design with Double-Gate Carbon Nanotube Transistors, in Electrochemical Society Transactions - CSTIC 2011, vol. 34, 2011.
  16. H. Ben Jamaa, K. Mohanram, and G. De Michel, An Efficient Gate Library for Ambipolar CNTFET Logic, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 30, no. 2, p. 242-255, 2011.
  17. J. Olivo, S. Carrara and G. De Micheli, Energy Harvesting and Remote Powering for Implantable Biosensors, in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 11, no. 7, p. 1573 - 1586, 2011.


  1. G. De Micheli, Chip Challenge, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 22-26, 2010.
  2. S. Carrara, A. Cavallini, Y. Leblebici, G. De Micheli, V. Bhalla, F. Valle, B. Samori, L. Benini, B. Riccò, I. Vikholm-Lundin, and T. Munter, Capacitance DNA bio-chips improved by new probe immobilization strategies, Microelectronics Journal, no. 41, pp. 711-717, 2010.
  3. P. Mayor, P. Bradley, and G. De Micheli, Engineering Complex Systems for Health, Security, and the Environment, IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, vol. 2 Issue. 3, Summer 2010, pp. 87-92, 2010.
  4. C. Seiculescu, S. Murali, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, SunFloor 3D: A Tool for Networks on Chip Topology Synthesis for 3D Systems on Chips, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 29, no. 12, pp. 1987-2000, 2010.
  5. C. Seiculescu, S. Murali, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, Comparative Analysis of NoCs for Two-Dimensional Versus Three-Dimensional SoCs Supporting Multiple Voltage and Frequency Islands, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 364 - 368, 2010.
  6. S. Carrara, A. Cavallini, Y. Maruyama, E. Charbon, and G. De Micheli, A new ethylene glycol-silane monolayer for highly-specific DNA detection on Silicon Chips, Surface Science Letters, 2010.


  1. A. Mutapcic, S. Boyd, S. Murali, D. Atienza, G. De Micheli, and R. Gupta, Processor Speed Control with Thermal Constraints, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems: Part I (TCAS-I), vol. 56, no. 9, pp. 1994-2008, 2009.
  2. G. De Micheli, An Outlook on Design Technologies for Future Integrated Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 777-790, 2009.
  3. F. Mulas, D. Atienza, A. Acquaviva, S. Carta, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, Thermal Balancing Policy for Multiprocessor Stream Computing Platforms, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 1870-1882, 2009.


  1. E. Ficarra, G. De Micheli, S. Yoon, L. Benini, and E. Macii, Joint co-clustering: Co-clustering of genomic and clinical bioimaging data, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, vol. 55, pp. 938-949, 2008.
  2. A. Garg, A. Di Cara, I. Xenarios, L. Mendoza, and G. De Micheli, Synchronous versus asynchronous modeling of gene regulatory networks, Bioinformatics, vol. 24, no. 17, pp. 1917-1925, 2008.
  3. T. Tao Ye and G. De Micheli, On-chip implementation of multiprocessor networks and switch fabrics, International Journal of Embedded Systems, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 209-218, 2008.
  4. H. Ben Jamaa, K. E. Moselund, D. Atienza, D. Bouvet, A. M. Ionescu, Y. Leblebici, and G. De Micheli, Variability-Aware Design of Multilevel Logic Decoders for Nanoscale Crossbar Memories, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 27, no. 11, pp. 2053-2067, 2008.
  5. G. De Micheli, Designing Micro- and Nanosystems for a Safer and Healthier Tomorrow, IEEE Design & Test of Computers, vol. 25, no. 5, pp. 488-494, 2008.
  6. K. E. Moselund, D. Bouvet, H. Ben Jamaa, D. Atienza, Y. Leblebici, G. De Micheli, and M. A. Ionescu, Prospects for logic-on-a-wire, Microelectronic Engineering, vol. 85, no. 5-6, pp. 1406-1409, 2008.
  7. D. Atienza, F. Angiolini, S. Murali, A. Pullini, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, Network-on-Chip Design and Synthesis Outlook, Integration-The VLSI Journal, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 340-359, 2008.
  8. D. Atienza, P. Raghavan, J.-L. Ayala, G. De Micheli, F. Catthoor, D. Verkest, and M. Lopez-Vallejo, Joint Hardware-Software Leakage Minimization Approach for the Register File of VLIW Embedded Architectures, Integration - The VLSI Journal, vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 38-48, 2008.


  1. S. Carrara, F. K. Gürkaynak, C. Guiducci, C. Stagni, L. Benini, Y. Leblebici, B. Samorì, and G. De Micheli, Interface Layering Phenomena in Capacitance Detection of DNA with Biochips, Sensors & Transducers Journal, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 969 - 977, 2007.
  2. G. De Micheli and A. Aquaviva, Resource Management in MPSoCs - Is our software ready for it?, Frontier Journal, Frontier Kluwer Academic Publisher Editorial, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 3-6, 2007.
  3. N. Genko, D. Atienza, G. De Micheli, and L. Benini, NoC emulation: a tool and design flow for MPSoC, Circuits and Systems Magazine, IEEE, vol. 7, no. issue 4, pp. 42 - 51, 2007.
  4. A. Pullini, F. Angiolini, S. Murali, D. Atienza, G. De Micheli, and L. Benini, Bringing NoCs to 65nm, IEEE Micro Magazine, vol. 12, no. 5, September/October, pp. 75-85, 2007.
  5. A. Di Cara, A. Garg, G. De Micheli, I. Xenarios, and L. Mendoza, Dynamic simulation of regulatory networks using SQUAD, BMC Bioinformatics, no. 8:462, 2007.
  6. A. E. Susu, M. Magno, A. Acquaviva, D. Atienza, and G. De Micheli, Reconfiguration Strategies for Environmentally Powered Devices: Theoretical Analysis and Experimental Validation, Transactions on HiPEAC-1, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS),, vol. 4050, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp. 341-360, 2007.
  7. R. Tamhankar, S. Murali, S. Stergiou, A. Pullini, F. Angiolini, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, Timing-Error-Tolerant Network-on-Chip Design Methodology, Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 26, no. 7, July, pp. 1297 - 1310, ISSN : 0278-0070, 2007.
  8. C. Mihic, T. Simunic, and G. De Micheli, Power and Reliability Management of SoCs, Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 15, no. 4, ISSN 1063-8210, pp. 391-403, 2007.
  9. D. Atienza, P. G. Della Valle, G. Paci, F. Poletti, L. Benini, G. De Micheli, J. M. Mendias, and R. Hermida, HW-SW Emulation Framework for Temperature-Aware Design in MPSoCs, ACM Transactions on Design Automation for Embedded Systems (TODAES), vol. Vol. 12, no. Nr. 3, August, ISSN: 1084-4309, pp. 1 - 26, 2007.
  10. S. Yoon, J. C. Ebert, E.-Y. Chung, G. De Micheli, and B. Altman, Clustering protein environments for function prediction: finding PROSITE motifs in 3D, BMC Bioinformatics, vol. 8, no. Suppl. 4, p. S10, 2007.
  11. S. Yoon, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, Co-clustering : A versatile Tool for Data Analysys in Biomedical Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 493-494, 2007.
  12. S. Murali, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, An Application-Specific Design Methodology for On-chip Crossbar Generation, IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, vol. 26, no. 7, ISSN: 0278-0070, pp. 1283-1296, 2007.
  13. S. Murali, P. Meloni, D. Atienza, S. Carta, L. Benini, G. De Micheli, and L. Raffo, Synthesis of Predictable Networks-on-Chip Based Interconnect Architectures for Chip Multi-Processors, IEEE Transactions on VLSI, vol. 15, 8, pp. 869-880, 2007.
  14. S. Murali, D. Atienza, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, A Method for Routing Packets Across Multiple Paths in NoCs with In-Order Delivery and Fault-Tolerance Guarantees, VLSI-Design Journal, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Article ID 37627, 11 pages, 2007.


  1. C. Nardini, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, Circuits and Systems for High-Throughput Biology, Circuits and Systems for High-Throughput Biology (IEEE Circuits and Systems), vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 10-20, 2006.
  2. S. Yoon and G. De Micheli, Computational Identification of MicroRNAs and Their Targets, Birth Defects Research, vol. 78, no. Part C, pp. 118-128, 2006.
  3. A. K. Coskun, T. Simunic Rosing, K. Mihic, G. De Micheli, and Y. Leblebici, Analysis and Optimization of MPSoC Reliability, Journal of Low Power Electronics, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 56-69, 2006.
  4. S. Yoon, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, A Pattern-Mining Method for High-Throughput Lab-on-a-Chip Data Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 358-377, 2006.


  1. S. Murali, G. De Micheli, L. Benini, T. Theocharides, N. Vijaykrishnan, and M. Irwin, Analysis of Error Recovery Schemes for Networks on Chips, Design & Test of Computers, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 434-442, 2005.
  2. P. P. Pande, G. De Micheli, C. Grecu, A. Ivanov, and R. Saleh, Design, Synthesis, and Test of Network on Chips, Design & Test of Computers, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 404-413, 2005.
  3. A. Ivanov and G. De Micheli, The Network-on-Chip Paradigm in Practice and Research, Design & Test of Computers, vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 399-403, 2005.
  4. S. Yoon, C. Nardini, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, Discovering Coherent Biclusters from Gene Expression Data Using Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams, IEEE - Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 339-354, 2005.
  5. D. Bertozzi, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, Error Control Schemes for On-chip Communication Links: The Energy-Reliability Trade-off, IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 818-831, 2005.
  6. F. Worm, P. Ienne, P. Thiran, and G. De Micheli, A Robust Self-calibrating Transmission Scheme for On-Chip Networks, IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 126-139, 2005.
  7. D. Bertozzi, A. Jalabert, S. Murali, R. Tamhankar, S. Stergiou, L. Benini, and G. De Micheli, NoC Synthesis Flow for Customized Domain Specific Mutliprocessor Systems-on-Chip, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 113-129, 2005.


  1. A. Bogliolo, L. Benini, E. Lattanzi and G. De Micheli, Specification and Analysis of Power Managed Systems, IEEE Proceedings, Vol 92, No. 8, August 2004, pp. 1306-1346.
  2. F. Worm, P. Ienne, P. Thiran and G. De Micheli, On-Chip Self-Calibrating Communication Robust to Electrical Parameter Variation, IEEE Design and Test, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 524-535, Nov/Dec 2004.
  3. T. Ye, L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Packetization and Routing Analysis of On-Chip MultiProcessor Networks, JSA Journal of System Architecture, Vol. 50, February 2004, pp. 81-104.


  1. A. Peymandoust, G. De Micheli, Application of symbolic computer algebra in high-level data-flow synthesis,IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Volume 22, Issue 9, Sept. 2003, pp. 1154-1165
  2. A. Peymandoust, T. Simunic, G. De Micheli, Complex instruction and software library mapping for embedded software using symbolic algebra, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Volume 22, Issue 8, August 2003, pp. 964-975


  1. Y-H. Lu,L. Benini, G. De Micheli, Dynamic Frequency Scaling with Buffer Insertion for Mixed Workloads, IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 21, Issue 11, November 2002, pp. 1284-1305
  2. E.Y. Chung, L. Benini, A. Bogliolo, Y-H. Lu and G. De Micheli, Dynamic Power Management for Nonstationary Service Requests, IEEE Transactions on Computer, Vol. 51, No. 11, November 2002, pp. 1345-1361
  3. E.Y. Chung, L. Benini, G. De Micheli, G. Luculli and M. Carilli, Value-sensitive Automatic Code Specialization for Embedded Software, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, 2002, pp. 1051-1067
  4. Y. Lu, L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Power Aware Operating Systems for Interacting Systems, IEEE Transactions on VSLI, April 2002, pp.70-78
  5. L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Networks on Chips: A New SoC Paradigm, IEEE Computers, January 2002, pp. 70-78


  1. L. Semeria and G. De Micheli, Resolution, Optimization and Encoding of Pointer Variables for the Behavioral Synthesis fromC , IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, February 2001, pp. 213-233.
  2. L.Benini, E. Macii and G. De Micheli, Designing Low Power Circuits: Practical Recipes , IEEE Circuit and System Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 1, First Quarter 2001, pp. 6-25.
  3. T. Simunic, L.Benini and G. De Micheli, Energy-Efficient Design of Battery-Powered Systems , IEEE Transactions on VLSI, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 15-28, February 2001.
  4. Y. H. Lu and G. De Micheli, Comparing System-Level Power Management Policies , IEEE Design and Test, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 10-19, March-April 2001.
  5. L. Benini, G. De Micheli, A. Lioy, E. Macii, G. Odasso, M. Poncino Synthesis of Power-Managed Sequential Components Based on Computational Kernel Extraction , IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, September 2001, pp. 1118-1131.
  6. T. Simunic, L. Benini, P. Glynn, G. De Micheli, Event-driven Power Management , IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 20, No. 7, pp. 840-857, July 2001
  7. L. Semeria, K. Sato and G. De Micheli, Synthesis of Hardware Models in C with Pointers and Complex Data Structures , IEEE Transactions on VLSI, Vol.9, No. 6, pp.743-756, December 2001.
  8. J. Smith and G. De Micheli, High-Level Synthesis and Design Reuse using Polynomial Circuit Models , IEEE Transactions on VLSI, Vol.9, No. 6, pp. 783-800, December 2001


  1. V. Mooney and G. De Micheli, Hardware/Software Co-Design of Run-Time Schedulers for Real-Time Systems, Design Automation of Embedded Systems, Vol. 6 ,No. 1, pp.89-144, September 2000
  2. A. Bogliolo, L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Regression Based Behavioral Power Modeling, TODAES, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2000, pp. 337-372
  3. L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Synthesis of Low-Power Selectively-Clocked Systems from High-Level Specifications, TODAES, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 3, July 2000, pp.311-321
  4. L. Benini and G. De Micheli, System-Level Power Optimization: Techniques and Tools, TODAES, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 115-192, April 2000
  5. L. Benini, G. De Micheli, E. Macii, M. Poncini, R. Scarsi, A Multi-Level Engine for Fast Power Simulation of Realistic Input Streams, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp.459-472 April 2000
  6. L. Benini, A. Bogliolo and G. De Micheli, A Survey of Design Techniques for System-Level Dynamic Power Management, IEEE Transactions on VSLI, pp. 299-316, June 2000
  7. L. Benini, G. De Micheli, A. Macii, M. Poncino and R. Scarsi, Glitch Power Minimization by Selective Gate Freezing, IEEE Transactions on VSLI, pp. 287-298, June 2000


  1. L. Benini, G. De Micheli, A. Macii, E. Macii, M. Poncini, Automatic Selection of Instruction Op-Codes of Low-Power Core Processors, IEEE Proceedings of Computers and Digital Techniques, Vol. 146, No. 4, pp. 173-178, June 1999
  2. L. Benini, G. De Micheli, E. Macii, M. Poncini, R Scarsi, Symbolic Synthesis of Clock-Gating Logic for Power Optimization of Synchronous Networks, TODAES, ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Vol. 4, No. 4, October 1999, pp. 351-375
  3. A. Bogliolo, L. Benini, B. Ricco and G. De Micheli, Controllo Dinamico del Consumo de Potenza in Sistemi a Microprocessore, Alta Frequenza, Vol. 11, No. 1, Gennaio-Marzo 1999 pp. 29-41 (in Italian)
  4. L. Benini, G. De Micheli, A. Lioy, E. Macii, G. Odasso and M. Poncini, Automatic Synthesis of Large Telescopic Units Based on Near-Minimum Timed Supersetting, IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. 48, No. 8, August 1999, pp. 769-779
  5. L. Benini, A. Bogliolo, G. Paleologo and G. De Micheli, Policy Optimization for Dynamic Power Management, IEEE Transactions on CAD, Vol. 18, No. 6, June 1999, pp. 813-833
  6. H. Kapadia, L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Reducing Switching Activity on Data path Buses with Control-Signal Gating, IEEE Solid State Journal, Vol. 34, No. 6, June 1999, pp. 813-833


  1. L. Benini, G. De Micheli, E. Macii, M. Poncini, and S. Quer, Power Optimization of Core-Based Systems by Address Bus Encoding, IEEE Transactions on VLSI, Vol. 6, No. 4, December 1998, pp. 554-562
  2. L. Benini, A. Bogliolo, M. Favalli and G. De Micheli, Regression Models for Behavioral Power Estimation , Integrated Computer Aided Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 2, 1998, pp. 95-106
  3. L. Benini, P. Vuillod and G. De Micheli, Iterative Re-Mapping for Logic Circuits, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 17, No, 10, October 1998, pp. 948-964
  4. L. Benini, E. Macii, M. Poncini and G. De Micheli, Telescopic Units: A New Paradigm for Performance Optimization of VSLI Designs, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 17, No. 3, March 1998, pp. 220-231


  1. L. Benini and G. De Micheli, A Survey of Boolean Matching Techniques for Library Binding, TODAES. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3, July 1997, pp. 193-226
  2. A. Bogliolo, L. Benini, G. De Micheli and B. Ricco, Gate-Level Power and Current Simulation of CMOS Integrated Circuits, IEEE Transactions on VSLI, Vol. 5, No. 4, December 1997, pp. 473-488
  3. R. Gupta and G. De Micheli, Constrained Software Synthesis for Embedded Applications, Journal of System Architecture, Vol. 43, No. 8, May 1997, pp. 557-586
  4. R. Gupta and G. De Micheli, Specification and Analysis of Timing Constraints for Embedded Systems, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 16, No. 3, March 1997, pp. 240-256
  5. L. Benini, A. Bogliolo, P. Vuillod and G. De Micheli, Clock Skew Optimization for Peak Current Reduction, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing Systems, Vol. 16, Issues 2 & 3, June 1997, pp. 5-18
  6. G. De Micheli, Scanning the Issue: Hardware/Software Co-Design, IEEE Proceedings, Vol. 85, No. 3, March 1997, pp. 347-348
  7. R. Gupta and G. De Micheli, Hardware/Software Co-Design, IEEE Proceedings, Vol. 85, No. 3, March 1997, pp. 349-365


  1. G. De Micheli, Progetto Concorrente di Hardware e Software, Alta Frequenza, Vol. 8, No. 3, May-June 1996, pp. 39-43 (in Italian)
  2. C. Coelho and G. De Micheli, Analysis and Synthesis of Concurrent Digital Circuits Using Control-Flow Expressions, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 15, No. 8 August 1996, pp. 854-876 and CSL Report, CSL-TR-96-694, 1996
  3. L. Benini and G. De Micheli, Automatic Synthesis of Low-Power Gated-Clock Finite-State Machines, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 15, No. 6, June 1996, pp. 630-643
  4. G. De Micheli, Progettazione di Sistemi Digitali Assistita da Calcolatore, Alta Frequenza, Vol. 8, No. 3, p. 3, May-June 1996, (in Italian)
  5. J. Yang, G. De Micheli and M. Damiani, Scheduling and Control Generation with Environmental Constraints, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 15, No. 2, February 1996, pp. 166-183
  6. R. Gupta and G. De Micheli, A Co-Synthesis Approach to Embedded Systems Design Automation, Design Automation of Embedded Systems, Vol. 1, No. 2, January 1996, pp. 69-120


  1. M. Damiani, J. Yang and G. De Micheli, Optimization of Combinational Logic Circuits Based on Compatible Gates, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 14, No. 11, November 1995, pp. 1316-1327
  2. G. De Micheli, A Survey of Problems and Methods for Computer-Aided Hardware/Software Co-Design, Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 37. No. 7, pp. 605-613, July 1995 (in Japanese: translation of Conference Proceedings No. 48)
  3. L. Benini and G. De Micheli, State Assignment for Low Power Dissipation, IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol. 30, No. 3, March 1995, pp. 258-268
  4. G. De Micheli, M.G. Sami and D. Scuito, Progetto di Sistemi Digitali Dedicati, Automazione e Strumentazione, No. 2, February 1995, pp. 35-39 (in Italian)


  1. L. Benini, P. Siegel and G. De Micheli, Saving Power by Synthesizing Gated Clocks for Sequential Circuits, IEEE Design and Test, Winter 1994, pp 32-41
  2. G. De Micheli, Computer-Aided Hardware/Software Co-Design, IEEE Micro, pp 11-16, August 1994
  3. G. De Micheli, Hardware/Software Co-design, Editorial, IEEE Micro, August 1994, pp. 8-9
  4. R. Gupta, C. Coelho and G. De Micheli, Program Implementation Schemes for Hardware-Software Systems, IEEE Computer, Vol. 27, No. 1, January 1994, pp. 48-55


  1. D. Filo, D. Ku, C. Coelho and G. De Micheli, Interface Optimization for Concurrent Systems Under Timing Constraints, IEEE Transactions on VLSI, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 268-281, September 1993.
  2. G. De Micheli, Optimization of Sequential Synchronous Digital Circuits Using Structural Models, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E76-D,No. 9, September 1993, pp. 1018-1029
  3. F. Mailhot and G. De Micheli, Algorithms for Technology Mapping Based on Binary Decision Diagrams and on Boolean Operations, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 12, No. 5, May 1993, pp. 599-620, CSL Report, CSL-TR-91-486, 1991
  4. R. Gupta and G. De Micheli, Hardware /Software Co-synthesis for Digital Systems, IEEE Design and Test, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 29-41, September 1993
  5. M. Damiani and G. De Micheli, Don't Care Specifications in Combinational and Synchronous Logic Circuits, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 12, No. 3, March 1993, pp. 365-388 and CSL Report, CSL-TR-92-531, 1992
  6. D. Wong, G. De Micheli and M. Flynn, Algorithms for Designing High-Performance Digital Circuits Using Wave Pipelining, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 12, No. 5, January 1993, pp. 25-46
  7. G. De Micheli, Computer-Aided Design for Hardware/Software Co-design, IEEE Computer, January 1993, pp. 85-87


  1. D. Filo, D. Ku and G. De Micheli, Control Optimization Based on Resynchronization of Operations, Integration: the VLSI Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3,1992, pp. 231-258, and CSL Report, CSL-TR-91-494, 1991
  2. D. Wong, G. De Micheli and M. Flynn, A Bipolar Population Counter Using Wave Pipelining to Achieve a 2.5X Normal Clock Frequency, IEEE Journal on Solid State Circuits,Vol. 27, No. 1, pp. 745-753, May 1992
  3. D. Ku and G. De Micheli, Relative Scheduling Under Timing Constraints; Algorithms for High-Level Synthesis of Digital Circuits, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 11, No. 6, June 1992, pp. 696-718


  1. D. Ku and G. De Micheli, Constrained Resource Sharing and Conflict Resolution in Hebe, Integration: the VLSI Journal. Vol. 12, No. 2, December 1991, pp. 131-166
  2. P. Song and G. De Micheli, Circuit and Architecture Trade-Offs for High- Speed Multiplication, IEEE Journal on Solid State Circuits, Vol. 26, No. 9, pp. 1184-1198, September 1991
  3. D. Ku and G. De Micheli, Optimal Synthesis of Control Logic from Behavioral Specifications, Integration: the VLSI Journal, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 271-298, February 1991, and Stanford Report CSL-TR-89-402, November 1989
  4. G. De Micheli, Synchronous Logic Synthesis: Algorithms for Cycle-Time Minimization, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 63-73, January 1991


  1. G. De Micheli, D. Ku, F. Mailhot and T. Truong, The Olympus Synthesis System for Digital Design, IEEE Design and Test, pp. 37-53, October 1990
  2. G. De Micheli, High-Level Synthesis of Digital Circuits,Editorial, IEEE Design & Test, October 1990, pp. 6-7


  1. G. De Micheli, Computer Aided Design and Optimization of Control Units for VSLI Processors, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 16, pp. 347-369, October 1988 and Stanford University Report, No. CSL-TR-88-356


  1. G. De Micheli, Performance-Oriented Synthesis of Large Scale Domino CMOS Circuits, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. CAD-6, No. 5, pp. 751-765, September 1987 and Stanford University Report, CSL-TR-87-330, May 1987


  1. G. De Micheli, Symbolic Design of Combinational and Sequential Circuits Implemented by Two-Level Logic Macros, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, October 1986, pp. 597-616 and IBM Research Report, No. RC 11672 and reprinted in A.R. Newton, Editor, Logic Synthesis for Integrated Circuit Design, IEEE Press, pp. 84-103, 1987 (IEEE/CAS 1986 CAD-Transactions Best Paper Award)


  1. G. De Micheli, R. Brayton and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Optimal State Assignment for Finite State Machines, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. CAD-4, No. 3, pp. 269-284, July 1985 and IBM Research Report, No. RC 10599


  1. G. De Micheli and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, PLEASURE: A Computer Program for Simple-Multiple Constrained-Unconstrained Folding of Programmable Logic Arrays, Computer Aided Design, No. 1, pp. 2-12, January 1984


  1. G. De Micheli and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Multiple Constrained Folding of Programmable Logic Arrays: Theory and Applications, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 151-167, July 1983 and Memorandum UCB/ERL, No. 82/57
  2. G. De Micheli and M. Santomauro, SMILE: A Computer Program for Partitioning of Programmed Logic Array, Computer Aided Design, No. 2, pp. 89-97, March 1983 and memorandum UCB/ERL No. 82/74
  3. G. De Micheli, A. Newton and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Symmetric Displacement Algorithms for the Timing Analysis of Large Scale Circuits, IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 167-180, July 1983


  1. L. Dadda, G. De Micheli and M. G. Sami, Prospettive di Sviluppo della Microelettronica. La Progetazione dei Circuiti VLSI, L'Elettrotecnica, Vol. 69, No. 7, pp. 613-622, July 1982 (in Italian)
  2. G. De Micheli, Progetto di Sistemi VLSI Assitito de Calcolatore, PIXEL, No. 2, pp. 17-21, April 1982 (in Italian)
  3. G. De Micheli and A. L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Characterization of Integration Algorithms for the Timing Analysis of MOS VLSI Circuits, International Journal on Circuit Theory and Applications, Vol. 10, pp. 299-309, October 1982


  1. V. Amoia, G. De Micheli and M. Santomauro, Computer Aided Formulation of Transition Rate Matrices via Kronecker Algebra, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, pp. 123-132, June 1981