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Joint Actions
D43D workshop co-organized by EPFL and LETI
D43D Workshop 2009, 17-18 June 2009, Grenoble
Chair: Ahmed Jerraya, 80 attendees
For further information please visit the workshop's web page: http://www.d43d.com/
EPFL-LETI D43D Workshop 2010, 27-28 May 2010
EPFL Lausanne Chair: David Atienza
PRO3D: Ongoing collaboration in Projects
Topic: programming and monitoring liquid cooling for 3D IC
Accepted project in FP7 Challenge 3.6: PRO3D, programming 3D Multicore architecture (ST P2012, EPFL, UniBo, ETHZ, Verimag, LETI)
Project start date: January 2010
Kick-off workshop: 4-5 February 2010, Grenoble
In preparation: Carotta/INAC-LETI "To develop a highly reliable and reproducible , CMOS-compatible technological route, suitable for co-integration of large arrays of 3D above IC biological Si nano-wire field-effect sensors
Project on graphène for call 5 (Fabien Clermidy)
Student Exchange/Mobility
Haykel Ben Jamaa PhD from EPFL has been employed at LETI for Post Doctorate work since December 2009.
Shashi Bobba, PhD student from EPFL is visiting LETI (T ERNST)