

Electronic Design Automation Workshop


Sunday, June 23rd  10:00 am – 6:00 pm


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Location: Paul G. Allen Center for Integrated Systems Annex, 330 Jane Stanford Way, Stanford CA, 1st floor, Room 101X

Host: Prof. Subhasish Mitra, Stanford University.










10:00 am – 10:30 am: registration


Session 1 : “Decade 2010 up today” (10:30-12:00) – Organizer : Luca Amarù


10:30 am – 10:40 am: P. Emmanuel Gaillardon; “From (French) Mountains to (Swiss) Mountains to (Utah) Mountains”

10:40 am – 10:50 am: Eleonora Testa, “From Swiss Alps to Silicon Valley: A Journey in Logic Synthesis”

10:50 am – 11:00 am: Francesca Puppo, “From Nanotechnology to Neural Engineering: Advancing Neuroscience Research through Innovative Sensors and Electrophysiology”

11:00 am – 11:10 am: Irene Taurino, “Transforming Ideas into Reality: Charting a Career Path from Electrochemical Materials to Practical Sensing Devices… & Beyond!”

Coffee break

11:20 am – 11:30 am: Cunxi Yu, “Synthesis and Optimization’ of An EDA Researcher”

11:30 am – 11:40 am: Heinz Riener, “Open-Science EDA Research”

11:40 am – 11:50 am: Xifan Tang, “Open-source FPGA EDA: Automate, Advocate and Advance FPGA Technology”

11:50 am – 12:00 am: Luca Amurù, “Adventures in EDA: From Academia to Industry with a Common Denominator


Session 2: “Decade 2000 to 2010” (13:30-15:00) – Organizer : David Atienza


1:30 pm – 1:40 pm: Armita Peymandoust, "Lessons from Nanni: Authentic Leadership and Harnessing Diverse Perspectives"

1:40 pm – 1:50 pm: Yung-Hsiang Lu, “Energy Efficiency in Artificial Intelligence”

1:50 pm – 2:00 pm: Terry Tao Ye, “Embedding and Accelerating AI on Edge Devices”

2:00 pm – 2:10 pm: Ayse K. Coskun, “The Ripple Effect: How Nanni Transformed Careers and Communities”

Coffee break

2:20 pm – 2:30 pm: Abhishek Garg, “From Chips to CRISP(r)S - An Untold Story!"

2:30 pm – 2:40 pm: Andrea Acquaviva and Elisa Ficarra, title: “An Unconventional Two-Body Journey: How Nanni Shaped Our Careers”

2:40 pm – 2:50 pm: David Atienza, “Nanni’s Flow: From Dreaming to Analyzing to Planning to Achieving”

2:50 pm – 3:00 pm: Luc Semeria, “Post dotcom, from EDA to iPhone and beyond"




Session 3 “Decade 1980 to 2000” (15:30-17:00) – Organizer : Rajesh Gupta


3:30 pm – 3:40 pm: Polly Siegel, “Tour de Career”

3:40 pm – 3:50 pm: Vincent Mooney, “Hardware/Software Codesign Research at Georgia Tech”

3:50 pm – 4:00 pm: Claudionor Coelho, "The Mythical LLM-Month"


4:00 pm – 4:10 pm: Rajesh Gupta, “Trials and Tribulations of A High-Level Kind through the Turns of Life and Living Post Stanford”

4:10 pm – 4:20 pm: Jerry Yang

4:20 pm – 4:30 pm: Nanni, “The best time”



5:00pm – 6:00pm refreshments





Andrea Acquaviva - Professor at University of Bologna, Italy


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Luca Amaru – Senior Director, Synopsys Inc., Sunnyvale, CA


A person in a suit and tie

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David Atienza – Professor at EPFL


A person in a suit and tie

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Claudionor Coelho – Chief AI Officer, Zscaler Inc.


A person smiling for the camera

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Ayse K. Coskun    Professor at Boston University


A person with dark hair wearing a black shirt

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Andrae Costamagna, EPFL




Giovanni De Micheli, Professor at EPFL

A person wearing glasses and a bow tie

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Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon, Professor at University of Utah


A person in a suit smiling

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Elisa Ficarra - Professor at University of Bologna, Italy



A person with a scarf around her neck

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Abhishek Garg


A person sitting at a table

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Rajesh K. Gupta – Professor at University of California at San Diego


A person in a suit with his arms crossed

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Phil Johnson, HP


A person in a striped shirt

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Siang-Yun (Sonia) Lee, Cadence, Munich


Siang-Yun Lee — People - EPFL



Yung-Hsiang Lu – Professor at Purdue University


A close-up of a person smiling

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Subhasish Mitra, Professor at Stanford University


A person with his hand on his chin

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Vincent Mooney III – Professor at Georgia Tech, Atlanta



A close-up of a person smiling

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Heinz Riener – Cadence, Munich


A person in a black shirt

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Armita Peymandoust, SVP of Engineering, Salesforce AI


A person with long black hair

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Francesca Puppo – Scientist at University of California at San Diego



 A close-up of a person smiling

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Luc Semeria, Apple


A person wearing glasses and a light blue shirt

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Polly Siegel - Senior Technical Program Manager at Google, Los Altos, CA, USA


A person on a bicycle

Description automatically generatedA person riding a bike

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Xifan Tang – CTO at Rapidflex


 A person in a suit

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 Irene Taurino – Assistant Professor at KU Leuven, Belgium


A person smiling at the camera

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Alessandro Tempia Calvino, EPFL


A person in a blue shirt

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Eleonora Testa - Synopsys Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA




Jerry Yang

Co- founder and former CEO of Yahoo! Inc. and founding partner of AME Cloud Ventures

Jerry Yang (Unternehmer) – Wikipedia



Terry Tao Ye – Professor at Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)



A person in a suit and tie

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Cunxi Yu – Assistant Professor at University of Maryland





Mingfei Yu, EPFL


A person wearing glasses and giving a thumbs up

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Here is the Stanford searchable map


Parking on Sundays is free. Visitors can park in any visitor parking spot.

It is most convenient to use the  Via Ortega Garage, the first floor is designated for visitors.

Via Ortega Garage is located at 285 Panama Street, Stanford. It is a 2min walk to the Allen X building.


 For those arriving with Uber/Lyft, set the destination to 330 Jane Stanford Drive, Paul G. Allen Center for Integrated Systems Annex (Allen X),

and getting off on Campus Drive. When coming from San Francisco, you can take the Caltrain to Palo Alto and then an Uber/Lyft.


A map of a city

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For those arriving with Uber/Lyft, I recommend setting the destination to 330 Jane Stanford Drive, Paul G. Allen Center for Integrated Systems Annex (Allen X), and getting off on Campus Drive.