Video presentations

Giovanni De Micheli

Giovanni De Micheli


The Phoenix and the future of computing systems design
HiPeac Keynote (Barcelona, 2025)

Strange loops in design and technology
DAC Keynote (San Francisco, 2022)
(Slides) (Podcast)

Design should be as simple as possible, but not simpler
NSF Workshop Keynote (Washington DC, 2020)

Digital design

Design and optimization of quantum electronic circuits
ISPD (Banff, CA, 2022)

Democratic Circuits - ITC Keynote (Washington DC, 2019)

Networks on Chips

Goode Medal Award Interview (Atlanta, 2016) Final video (complete version) Final video (short version)

Biosensing systems

Lab under the skin - 2013


LSI Research Laboratory (2018)
Research in EE@EPFL (2015)
Nanosystems: Politecnico di Milano 2012

Other Events

Interview at HiPEAC (2025)

Phil Kaufman Award speech by Aart de Geus (2023)

Goode Medal Award (Atlanta, 2016)

Research in Electrical Engineering@EPFL (2015 - all presentations - in French)

Jerry Yang (Yahoo!) receiving a Doctor HC from EPFL and speech (2010)

Nano-Tera/Artist Summer School on Embedded System Design 2012